Last week, along with many other industry professionals we celebrated London International Shipping Week.
It was a busy week, with a full calendar of events to attend.
Matthew, Managing Director of the Viking Maritime Group, and Kevin Operations Director of Chiltern Maritime were pleased to attend the IAMI/MSA event at Trinity House on Monday evening. The Maritime Skills Alliance and Maritime Skills Commission hosted a joint reception and it was great to meet with so many people representing organisations passionately dedicated to the future training and development of our Merchant Navy Officer Cadets.
On Tuesday evening, Matthew and Kevin were invited with Dieter, Chairman & Founder of VMG to the Chartered Master Mariners Annual awards and Alumni Event with the Honourable Company of Master Mariner. The event took place onboard HQS Wellington in central London and was sponsored by the Lloyds Register . It was good to be back in London again, meeting people face to face after such a long time and the spectacular vessel was the perfect setting for the evening.
On Wednesday, Training Officers from Chiltern Maritime, attended the Maritime UK Careers Fairs onboard HQS Wellington in London, with pre-arranged school groups attending. All were very keen to learn more about sea going career opportunities.
On Thursday, Assistant Placement Manager and Cruise Placement Consultant at Viking Crew, attended the Maritime UK Careers Fair onboard HQS Wellington in London. It was a great day, meeting with lots of people in interested in a career at sea and a good opportunity to answer people’s questions about experience, qualifications and training.
Mark, Training and Performance Director at the Maritime Skills Academy, was also in London on Thursday. He was invited along to the Wartsila event, Bridging Oceans, onboard MV London Belle Boat, sailing along the Thames River. The event was to celebrate the launch of the Wartsila cloud simulation and building blended maritime training ecosystems via the Ocean Learning Platform.
All in all it was a busy but great week!
Date of Issue: 20th September 2021
Last Edited: 28th August 2024